03 November 2014


Assalamualaikum w.b.t!

Errrrmmmmm , how should I start?
How should I give introduction?

Here ,

"Show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid ignorant"
Surah Al-A'raf, Ayat 199.

Forgiveness is incredibly powerful . I can't deny it . Here's my 2 cent about the definition of forgiveness, Forgiveness means when you have to deny and letting go your right/ power to punish people and you just let it to Allah to hold it than keep the blame on his or her. 

Do you know what's the power when you forgive someone or ask someone's forgiveness?
You feel the peace. 
All you have to do --
Lower down your ego. Don't put it too high , it should be adequately moderate okay?
Hey love , it's no harm when you forgive someone , it's doesn't give you any fatality if you asking someone's forgiveness right ?

But people these days , love their ego more than asking forgiveness or even forgive people.
My darling , do you think you never hurts people ? 
If you think so , you should know , the most and only perfect is our Creator , Allah S.W.T.

Yes , we make mistakes. We make mistakes without deliberation or intention but sometimes we deliberately  do wrong to others .

Pernah dengar tak quotes ni
" to err is human , to forgive is divine"?
Where we are human , who make mistakes continuously , without even realized.
Absolutely , we are constantly in need of forgiveness.
Islam taught us to forgive and to ask forgiveness.
We in need of forgiveness for Allah and also human whom we constantly offend their feelings.
Because we do wrong to both ,

Kalau keras jugak untuk memaafkan orang ,
Think for a while ,
Who do you think you are ?
Who are you to not forgive people who isn't always perfect ? even you.
You don't know how many mistakes you've done to Him.
It might be trillion times.
But still , Allah is always ready to forgive you when you ask His forgiveness.
Dengan Allah pun nak ego , payah tu. Your soul absolutely need food , love.
Istighfar , jangan keras hati sayang.
Even our Prophet , Muhammad S.A.W(PBUH) forgive his ummah eventhough ade je yang menentang dia , because of what ? Dia sayang umat dia yang teramat sangat .
Dia sayang sampaikan kita ni , umat yang terawal dihisab nanti kelak .

Jadi kenapa mahu ego ? 
Rugi tau tak maafkan orang , dendam kesumat nanti membuku dalam dada.
Calm won't hit your heart at all .
Same goes orang yang dah tahu buat salah but they don't want to ask forgiveness.
Love , kalau tak salah pun , mintak maaf. 
Jangan fikir ego sayang, Ego tak bawak kemana .
Gunalah ego bila perlu. Bukan motor skuter ego tu.
Penampar jepun laju-laju karang kan. Hahah.

So , sayang-sayangku .
Belajarlah memaafkan orang dan minta maaf dekat orang.

Before you sleep , forgive people.
Clean your heart by forgiving people.
It gives you no harm.
Indeed , Allah loves you.

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